Thank You for Your Kindness
Publisher:admin Release time:2017-12-16 Hits:2434
To celebrate its pressure standard committee purification section 2 session three times meeting on December 18, 2017 ~ Dec. 20 smooth convening in shenzhen ping mountain, shenzhen macro day fine purification equipment technology co., LTD as a compressed air purification industry governing units, especially thanks to the association leaders, industry partners and each dealer's trust and support. Hongrijia YUKA purification will continue to uphold the purpose of "careful design, excellence", to "quality-oriented, scientific and technological innovation, optimization service" direction of development, adhere to provide efficient and reliable products for the mission, only one goal: to achieve customer needs, reflect the value of self.
During this meeting, Hongrijia YUKA purified "thank you for having you, give back the truth" and thanked all the new and old customers for their trust and support as always. The plan of appreciation are as follows:
On the basis of the original cooperation price, we will give you a discount of 12%.
First, feedback series:
Classic series YD precision filter
Classic series YF precision filters
Popular series YFB precision filters
Efficient gas-water separator series WS, FWS
Second, Discount time:
From 08:30 on December 18, 2017 to 17:30 on December 22, 2017.
Third, Discount description:
1. Only applicable to the whole set of products in the above feedback series, other series will not participate in the discount;
2. Each customer only enjoys one order discount;
3. Customers who only accept single orders within the valid time of the offer and receive payment;
4. YUKA purification has all the right to interpret this activity.
Shenzhen Hongrijia Purification Equipment Technology Co. LTD
December 16, 2017